2023 VISABLI Meeting


VISABLI is a NSF-sponsored Research Collaborative Network (RCN-UBE) centered on Visualizations, Interactives, Simulations, and Animations in Biology Learning and Instruction.

In our needs assessments, biology faculty have expressed interest in tools that would help them find animations or other visual resources appropriate for their teaching. Biology faculty have also expressed interest in materials that teach visual science literacy to undergraduate students.

We invite faculty to join us for a one-and-a-half-day meeting to co-design and pilot the use of these materials.

2023 VISABLI Meeting

July 17-18, 2023

Hyatt Place, University of California Davis
173 Old Davis Rd, Davis, CA 95616, United States

This meeting is divided into three activities:

  1. Visual Literacy Workshop:
    A co-creation workshop to develop active learning materials for visual science literacy.

  2. Biology Annotated:
    A prototype testing session to assess the usability of an annotation tool that helps biology instructors search for animations and other visual teaching resources.

  3. Visual Science Communication Toolkit:
    A prototype testing session to assess the usability of a multimedia resource that teaches visual communication design in a biology context.

Meeting materials

Workshop materials will be made available online closer to the day of the event. Physical copies will be distributed at the venue.


Visual Science Communication Toolkit: Visual Strategies