Visual Science Communication Toolkit: Visual Strategies
Workshop instructors Gaël McGill, Jodie Jenkinson, and Stuart Jantzen covered the unique challenges of creating visual narratives in the molecular world. Attendees left with greater insights into the multi-faceted design process involved in the accurate depiction of molecular-scale phenomena.

Educational Resources for the Classroom
A growing list of animations created for use in undergraduate biology classrooms.

Visualizing Different Models for Protein Binding and Interactions
This animation, created by Ariadna Villalbi, includes a series of visualizations that help biology students to understand the difference between the following 'mental models' for how conformation and conformational change drives binding.

The Role of Actin in Cell Motility
This animation by Felix Son attempts to bridge the knowledge gap in undergraduate cell biology students’ understanding of key biological concepts. It explores cell motility by examining the characteristics of the actin cytoskeleton that contribute to cell protrusion, adhesion, and elongation. We also examine mechanisms of the actin cytoskeleton (nucleation, elongation, and steady state) that regulate the dynamics of actin architecture.

The Pathogenic Manipulation of Actin
This animation by Colleen Paris, extends the work of Felix Son by examining the actin cytoskeleton from the perspective of pathogenic invasion. Here we look at Chlamydia, Rickettsia, and Lysteria as 3 examples of pathogens that leverage the structure of actin in order to gain access to the cell, or for motility once inside the cell.